Robert Jessup Contemporary Artist and Painter

Robert Jessup

White Paintings, 2014

White Paintings, 2014

"White Light", 2014, 64 inches by 80 inches, oil
"Clouds Weave the Sky", 2014, 52 inches by 60 inches, oil
"Inside the Cloud Machine", 2014, 30 inches by 36 inches, oil
"Sky Bricks", 2014, 30 inches by 36 inches, oil
"Cloud Craft Two", 2014, 30 inches by 36 inches, oil
"Configuring Proposition", 2015, 40 inches by 50 inches, oil
"Cloud Craft", 2014, 44 inches by 60 inches, oil
"Ghost Bones", 2014, 64 inches by 72 inches, oil
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